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Know Baby's Normal Temperature and How to Measure it Correctly

It is important for parents to know the normal temperature of the baby, so that they are quickly aware when their body temperature rises or has a fever. This can also help parents take care of it quickly. In addition to knowing the baby's normal temperature, parents also need to understand how to measure it correctly. The goal is that parents are not mistaken in interpreting the condition of the baby's body. For example, when the baby's body feels hot, this does not necessarily indicate he has a fever. Need to measure temperature with a thermometer to be sure.

Understanding the Normal Range of Baby's Body Temperature

The baby's normal temperature ranges from 36.5 to 37 degrees Celsius. Babies can be considered to have a fever when their body temperature rises to more than 38 degrees Celsius when measured from the rectum (rectal temperature), 37.5 degrees Celsius when the temperature is measured from the mouth (oral temperature), or 37.2 degrees Celsius when measured from the armpit ( axillary temperature). The baby's body temperature increases or fever, is actually a symptom arising from a reaction of the immune system's resistance to a disease or cause of infection, such as viruses or bacteria. Increasing the baby's body temperature can also occur due to teething, clothes that are too thick, and the surrounding environment with hot temperatures can also make the baby's body temperature rise. Besides increasing, the baby's body temperature can also go down. Decrease in baby's body temperature needs to be aware of if the temperature is less than 35 degrees Celsius. This condition, known as hypothermia, can occur because of exposure to cold ambient temperatures, submerged in cold water, using wet clothing or fatigue.

How to Measure Body Temperature in Babies

Baby's body temperature is usually known by touching the cheeks, forehead, back, and stomach of the baby. But to find out the baby's temperature for certain, a thermometer is needed as a gauge for body temperature. Usually the recommended thermometer for infants and children is a digital thermometer, because the mercury thermometer has a packaging made of glass and prone to breaking. There are several types of thermometers that can be used including those placed in the armpits, ears, mouth, or placed on the forehead. However, rectal thermometers in the rectum are considered the most accurate and easy to use in infants. Before and after measuring the temperature, make sure the thermometer is clean. Wash in soapy water or wipe with alcohol. The goal is to keep the thermometer clear of germs and dirt that are at risk of spreading disease.

Measuring oral temperature (mouth)

If you want to measure the baby's temperature from the mouth, make sure the temperature measurement is not done immediately after he eats or drinks. Give an interval of at least 15 minutes after he drinks milk or consumes complementary foods. After the digital thermometer is turned on, place the tip of the thermometer under the baby's tongue, lip closed. Keep the thermometer in place until the temperature signal is successfully measured. Then pull the thermometer and read the results.

Measuring axillary (underarm) temperature

When measuring the temperature of the baby's armpit, make sure the tip of the thermometer touches the underarm skin and is not obstructed by clothing. Position the baby as comfortable as possible in the arms. Keep the thermometer in the baby's armpit, until the measurement mark is complete, then read the results.

Measuring rectal (rectal) temperature

When trying to measure rectal temperature, position the baby in a prone state. Then apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the tip of the thermometer and insert the thermometer about 2 cm in the rectum. Allow some time until the thermometer sounds as a sign of measurement is complete. Pull the thermometer to find out the results. Take the baby to the doctor if:
  • The body temperature of infants less than 3 months old reaches more than 38 degrees Celsius
  • The body temperature of infants and children aged 3-36 months reaches more than 39 degrees Celsius
  • Fever occurs more than 3 days in infants and children aged 3-36 months
  • Fever occurs or recurs in 7 days or more
  • Fever occurs accompanied by skin rashes, shortness of breath, decreased awareness, stiffness in the neck, vomiting and baby's crown appearing prominent or sunken.
You are also advised to take him to the doctor if the baby's body temperature drops to 35 degrees Celsius or less, while making efforts to warm the body. Normal baby's temperature is important for parents to know, so they are responsive when changes in body temperature need to be aware of. If you are worried about changes in baby's body temperature, do not hesitate to immediately consult with a pediatrician about the baby's condition.


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